Selma's Dolls with Valerie Alva-Ruiz and Courtney Stillwagon

Published: Sept. 18, 2018, 7 a.m.

Valerie Alva-Ruiz and Courtney Stillwagon are on a mission to promote diversity and cultural understanding. Together they have created an adorable new doll line called Selma’s Dolls. Each doll represents an opportunity to broaden a child’s horizon and respectfully expose them to new cultures. The doll line includes Lola a Mexican-American, Ameena a Muslim, and Annie a child with Down Syndrome.

In this conversation they give us tips for using their creation to start these important conversations. They share with us the challenges of developing plush line and book from the ground up. They also share some time management tips they have learned as they developed this line while raising young children and holding full time jobs. Join us for this important conversation!