There Are No Trees At Sea (part 2)

Published: July 6, 2017, 4 p.m.

There Are No Trees At Sea (part 2) 
Who am I?  How did I develop into the person I am?  Who were the people and what were the major events that led me to make healthy and unhealthy choices which bring happiness or sadness into my current life?  Am I ready to study and understand the internal compass that guides me when I enter the emotional fogs of daily living?   How can I understand myself better and explore/experiment by choosing different emotions and/or behavior?
Wellness Psychology encourages the exploration of diverse characteristics in ourselves as we choose who we wish to be.  One is encouraged to choose the role of being the author of one's life rather than choosing to be a victim of life.
Experiencing a personal retreat is one way for an individual to focus on four major aspects of life:  emotional, physical, social and spiritual