Published: Oct. 29, 2020, 7:51 a.m.

Indeed, we are in a new day, and the Spirit of the Lord has continued to give us new insight, direction, and instruction in wisdom regarding how to effectively navigate the road and pitfalls of the days ahead. Advancing in this newness of seeking to rebuild the ancient ruins requires a more, mature, skillful, spiritual strength that can be easily tired by the enemy.  The Spirit of the Lord is calling us to start putting on the [full] whole armor of God. To do this, we must form a certain continually undress from the old mindset, philosophy, and knowledge of the past. We cannot be partakers of the nature and life of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and expect we will be able to wear the full armor of God. 

One of the things the spirit of God is emphasizing in this new day is that we have to wear his strength as a garment. no one goes to war without the right war gear. the Church in the past has used the wrong garment and amours in trying to defeat the enemy and have failed.  The Father is calling us to undress from that which looks clamorous but lacks the wisdom, strength, and fortitude to engage the forces of darkness.  of the lord, we have to put on the whole armor of God.  David learned to undress from the beautiful, elegant armor of king Saul while seek to obey the requirement of the Lord in fighting and defeating the Giant called Goliath of Gath. 

Putting on the armor of God is something important that we have to engage in regularly as the new order of priesthood emerging from the horizon. We need to learn to put on the armor of God because of what is coming before us the Church will require the right strength that can march this Satanic operation.  We have to allow the Lord to build within us a reservoir of strength that cannot be resisted by the forces of darkness. This is a time where the Spirit of the Lord is calling us to sit down to redress in powerful governmental equipping skills. We need to be enrolled in the school of the prophets to see with the right sight, wisdom, and knowledge. 

The armor of God is the mindset, the mentality of a sound, biblical spiritual philosophy that shapes into us the apostolic wisdom and prophetic insight that we need in fighting the good faith of faith in this hour of deception and resistance.  Indeed, this is the day of the formation of the hand of a man rising from the sea.  This prophetic activity is releasing into the Body of Christ a new order of governmental strength established on the corporate priesthood of the Saints.  

So, let us take our stand and flow in the light of what the spirit of God is demanding from the ecclesia. This is the day of the strength of God coming anew upon the Sons and daughter of Zion.  This message will stir you, heart, to be rightly position in the spiritual strength heaven is releasing in this season. The prophetic voice of God in this message is clear enough for you to undress from the strength of the past as the new day of the Lord dawn upon you. 

Ephesians 6

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.…

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