WAB: Wet Ass Boa!

Published: March 19, 2021, 1:31 a.m.

Beep BEEP girlz! It’s time to hop on the party bus for another week of pop perfection!
Dust off the diamantés and pour the prosecco ladiez, because we are ALL invited to this year’s Grammy awards! From Harry’s feather boa, to Megan and Cardi WAPing all over that stage, we’ve got you covered with all the musical mayhem!
But the party doesn’t stop there, because this week we’re feeling PATRIOTIC with our stunning Tarty Throwback featuring Ireland’s best pop culture bits. We’re travelling to those fields of gold to find Nadine’s passport and eavesdropping on Twink’s scandalous voicemail, before checking out who attended Ireland’s Facebook event of the decade.
And hunniez, you know us too well to know we wouldn’t let this opportunity pass without mentioning our queen, Samantha Mumba. Oh girlz, it’s a good one!
Make sure to follow us on Instagram @poptartzpod to keep up to date with all the latest juice! You can also tweet along with the show using #PoptartzPod