Dancing with the Devil!

Published: April 8, 2021, 11 p.m.

LADIEZ, it’s time get those glasses out and chill those bottles for this week’s deep dive into pop culture HEAVEN!
This week our party bus has been upgraded to a very special jeep, and we’re travelling FAR AND WIDE! First stop: Demi Lovato’s new docuseries, ‘Dancing with the Devil’.
This section (00:11:59 – 00:49:26) does contain a trigger warning related to mental health, eating disorders, substance abuse and sexual abuse, so feel free to meet us at our next stop if that works best for you! We’ve also listed some websites below which may be of help for those who need it.
And yes, we hear you asking girlz – “WHAT’S THE CRAIC WITH THE JEEP?” – well ladiez, it’s none other than Lorelai Gilmore’s and it’s taking us straight to Stars Hollow for this week’s Tarty Throwback. And we have to ask: Who are you stowing in the boot? Dean, Jess or Logan?!
And as if that wasn’t enough, we’ve got some juicy Tidbits to discuss with you on en route to Satan’s lair, where we’ll be crowning this week’s Tart of the Week! Things are about to get HOT!
Make sure to follow us on Instagram @poptartzpod to keep up to date with all the latest spice! You can also tweet along with the show using #PoptartzPod.
If you’ve been affected by any of the topics discussed in this week’s episode, be sure to seek help. Some of these websites may be of assistance: Dublin Rape Crisis Centre: www.drcc.ie/services/helpline HSE Drugs and Alcohol Helpline: www.hse.ie/eng/services/list/5/addiction/drugshivhelpline Pieta: www.pieta.ie Samaritans Ireland: www.samaritans.org/ireland/samaritans-ireland Bodywhys: www.bodywhys.ie