S1 Ep273: Bill and Ted Face the Music + Ghost Hunting + Enola Holmes

Published: Sept. 30, 2020, 5:03 p.m.

This week, Mark, Rob and Graham travel back in time to ask you what films from the 80s and 90s you want to see sequels to. Since Graham normally wields a furious banhammer over any 80s nostalgia, this can only mean one thing: it's Bill and Ted Face the Music! Keanu's back, Alex is back - but should you go back?

Off the Shelf has a packed week, with Second Run's new Blu-Ray of experimental Palestinian documentary Ghost Hunting surveilled by Rob. Pausing only to insult The Devil All the Time, Mark then checks out Enola Holmes. It's a Netflix YA Millie Bobby Brown vehicle that brings Fleabag energy to Sherlock. Imagine saying that sentence to someone ten years ago, they wouldn't have a clue what you were banging on about.

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