167: Mary Shelley + Black Peter + The Entertainer + Dark Crimes - Eclectica #167

Published: July 11, 2018, 9:53 a.m.

Sexy Guernica

After some technical problems the Eclectica gang manage to find the right lever switch to send 5,000 volts through their microphones while they maniacally scream "It's alive!" as they discuss "Mary Shelley". With Elle Fanning bringing the Frankenstein author to life and Haifaa al-Mansour supplying her "Abby Normal" brainpower in the director's chair, wait ... 

You know what? We've run out of Frankenstein references, so while we desperately scramble around for some new jokes we find out if the film is good or not.

A stacked-up Off the Shelf sees Aidan bellowing greetings to Second Run's Blu-Ray of Milos Forman's debut "Black Peter", and Sarah narrowly avoids the mother of all spoonerisms as she covers BFI's reissue of "The Entertainer" starring Laurence Olivier. Meanwhile, Graham offers a cold, haunted and frankly disappointed stare at Signature Films' "Dark Crimes". 

It's all on the new Eclectica, now with added book recommendations (for some reason)!

Support the podcast by following us on twitter @oieclectica or send some pennies over to our PATREON. But until next time, don't watch anything we wouldn't.

#Podcast #Movies #Films #Reviews #Frankenstein #MaryShelley #MilosForman #BlackPeter #SecondRun #BFI #BritishFilmInstitute #TheEntertainer #DarkCrimes #CinemaEclectica #ElleFanning #TheGeekShow #SignatureFilms #Eclectica