Ep: 211 - Mega Movie Catch-up Edition

Published: Feb. 9, 2019, 2:50 a.m.


On this week\\u2019s show, the panel play catch up. Each panelist was assigned to watch one film from this past year they missed when it was still in theaters. At the behest of Guy, Margaret watched\\xa0Can You Ever Forgive Me. Karen Tongson was assigned\\xa0Roma, but decided she wanted to check out\\xa0Support the Girls, so Wynter was tapped for\\xa0Roma\\xa0instead. Lastly, both Wynter and Karen wanted to talk to Guy about\\xa0A Simple Favor.

Each panelist reported back. Who thought Roma was too slow? Did Margaret show enough love for her pick? And what did Karen appreciate most about the breastaurant drama?

**Spoiler Alert**
If you haven\'t seen Roma, you may want to skip that part of the discussion.

All Abouts

Margaret -\\xa0Velvet Buzzsaw

Wynter Mitchell-Rohrbaugh -\\xa0Russian Doll

Guy Branum - Season 5 of\\xa0Schitt\\u2019s Creek

Karen Tongson - Showtime\\u2019s\\xa0Black Monday

That\'s My Jam

Karen Tongson -\\xa0Sylvan Esso - PARAD(w/me)E

Margaret Wappler -\\xa0
Maggie Rogers - Alaska

Guy Branum -\\xa0Liam Payne - Strip That Down

Wynter Mitchell-Rohrbaugh -\\xa0Sampha - Treasure
