Episode 66: Allegations Rock Kavanaugh Nomination

Published: Sept. 24, 2018, 8:19 a.m.

Unlike last week the Sunday talk shows barely made a peep about Judge Brett Kavanaugh, today almost all conversations focused exclusively about the Supreme Court nomination of Kavanaugh. 

It was a heavy news week leading up to today’s shows: 

Last week a woman — Dr. Christine Blasey Ford — came forward with an allegation that Kavanaugh attempted to rape her at a drunken high school party. Since coming forward, there have been death threats against her, she has gone into hiding, along with her whole family. Many Senators demanded that the vote be delayed and to allow for Dr. Blasey Ford and Kavanugh to answer to these allegations.  While Senator Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee refused to allow for an independent FBI investigation, there is now a tentative meeting planned for this upcoming Thursday. 

Since the Sunday talk shows aired… literally the hour before we got our microphones out… news exploded again: 

A second woman, Deborah Ramirez, came forward with an allegation against Kavanaugh in The New Yorker. In this latest story, Ramirez accuses Kavanaugh of sexual assault at another drunken party during Kavanaugh’s freshman year at Yale. Democrats are clamoring even louder for an FBI investigation— but, so far, the White House and Republican leadership are standing by their nominee. 

As always, you can always jump to a section of the show by using our available chapters:

  • Introduction

  • Highlight/Lowlight

  • Republicans defend Kavanaugh

  • Demands for an independent FBI investigation

  • What is the burden of proof? 

  • Show rankings 

  • Closing

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