Episode 143: Disinformation v MTP

Published: Dec. 30, 2019, 1:05 p.m.

This week Meet the Press hosted a special episode about the state of media in the age of disinformation. With guests like the editors-in-chief of the New York Times and the Washington Post, disinformation researchers, and other prominent journalists, MTP attempted to have a larger conversation about news in the age of Trump. They discussed what’s changed, how making the news got harder, and what they can do to maintain or regain trust.

In advance of this episode, Rolling Stone interviewed Chuck Todd. He mentioned how naive he was at the start of this administration. He mentions being shocked that White House officials and Republican lawmakers would blatantly lie on Meet the Press and purposely engage in disinformation campaigns. This promotional article did not impress media critic, Jay Rosen, who released his own scathing response to Chuck Todd’s media confessions.

So today, we will forego reviewing the other shows and have a fuller conversation about the state of media by looking exclusively at Meet the Press and the criticism of Jay Rosen.


  • Introduction

  • Highlights from MTP

  • Lowlights from MTP

  • Missing from MTP

  • Jay Rosen’s MTP Criticism

  • Final Thoughts

  • Closing

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