Plan Your Podcast Better with Podcast Studio Pro

Published: Sept. 14, 2022, 5:43 p.m.

\\nWith experience in professional film and TV writing, Podcast Studio Pro has been built specifically for the planning and organization needs of podcasters.
\\nInstead of trying to hack together different document or collaboration tools for podcasting, Podcast Studio Pro provides you and your cohosts (or even other team members) an optimized way to plan your episode flow, collect and organize topics and notes, collaborate in real time, and more!
\\nPodcast Studio Pro is built on a card model, letting you easily reorganize the flow of your podcast, either before you record or even in real time while you\'re recording.
\\nYou can start from scratch or create and use templates to aid your workflow. And you can share global access with others, or even only certain episodes.
\\nYou can easily export in multiple formats, in card view or a linear document.
\\nTry planning your podcast better with Podcast Studio Pro!
\\n(As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases through this link. But I recommend things I truly believe in, regardless of earnings.)