Episode 556 - The Mandalorian - Chapter 22 - Guns For Hire

Published: April 10, 2023, 1 p.m.


Bo-Katan\\u2019s quest to reunite the Mandalorians takes her and Din Djarin on a side mission to investigate malfunctioning droids on the planet of Plazir.


In this fully armed and operational episode, we discuss:

  • The Mandalorians under Axe Woves\\u2019s leadership in a mercenary role,
  • The planet of Plazir with its direct democracy,
  • Christopher Lloyd\\u2019s appearance as Commissioner Helgait,
  • The Resistor, a droid bar, and the philosophy of service of the droids,
  • The resolution of Bo-Katan and Dijarin\\u2019s investigation, and
  • Bo-Katan\\u2019s confrontation with the rest of the Mandalorians.

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Find Jay and her cosplay adventures on J.Snips Cosplay on Instagram.


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