Episode 550 - Return of the Jedi, Part 2 - The Rescue Plan

Published: March 29, 2023, 1 p.m.


In this edition of our Return of the Jedi series, Luke Skywalker arrives at Jabba\\u2019s palace and backs up his tough talk to the crime lord.


We are joined by Allen Voivod from Star Wars 7x7 in this episode. Allen came prepared and came with his A game.


This episode covers the segment of the movie that runs from 0:22:09 to 0:37:04 on Disney+.


In this fully armed and operational episode, we discuss:

  • Allen\\u2019s memories of seeing Return of the Jedi for the first time, his favorite scene, and favorite new alien species introduced in the movie,
  • Luke Skywalker\\u2019s arrival at Jabba\\u2019s palace and his aggressive moves and threats,
  • The battle with the rancor monster in the dungeon in Jabba\\u2019s palace,
  • Allen\\u2019s take on whether Luke and Leia really had a plan to rescue Han \\u2013 this is worth downloading the episode alone, Allen came very prepared,
  • The humor in this segment,
  • The battle at the Pit of Carkoon and the sarlacc,
  • Leia\\u2019s strangling of Jabba the Hutt, and
  • Luke getting shot in the hand while making his escape.

You can find the previous edition of our Return of the Jedi series in episode 529.


Thanks for joining us for another episode! Subscribe to Podcast Stardust for all your Star Wars news, reviews, and discussion wherever you get your podcasts. And please leave us a five star review on Apple Podcasts.


Find Jay and her cosplay adventures on J.Snips Cosplay on Instagram.


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