Episode 476 - Andor, Episode 5 - The Axe Forgets

Published: Oct. 10, 2022, 1 p.m.

Andor and his new allies continue to prepare for their raid on the Imperial garrison on Aldhani while Syril contemplates his future on Coruscant.

In this fully armed and operational episode, we discuss:

  • The situation Syril finds himself in on Coruscant,
  • Mon Mothma’s conflicts with her daughter and husband,
  • Dedra Meero’s continued investigation of a blossoming Rebellion,
  • The meaning of “The Axe Forgets,”
  • Cassian’s continued training with Vel’s Rebel cell, and
  • Cassians admission that he is getting paid.

Our review of episode four of Andor can be found in episode 473.

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