Episode 407 - Lightspeed List - Top 5 Sound Effects

Published: May 2, 2022, 1 p.m.

This time Jay puts Dennis on the hot seat and challenges him to create his top five sound effects list from Star Wars in a minute.

In this fully armed and operational episode, we discuss:

  • Jay’s criteria for creating the top five list of sound effects,
  • Why certain sound effects appeal to us,
  • How some sound effects have a broader appeal outside of Star Wars,
  • Dennis’s top five sound effects,
  • Jay’s top five sound effects, and
  • Some honorable mentions for sound effects in Star Wars.

Thanks for joining us for another episode! Subscribe to Podcast Stardust for all your Star Wars news, reviews, and discussion wherever you get your podcasts. And please leave us a five star review on Apple Podcasts.

Find Jay and her cosplay adventures on J.Snips Cosplay on Instagram.

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