Episode 368 - The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter 5

Published: Jan. 31, 2022, 2 p.m.

The Mandalorian finds his old Covert and reveals he has possession of the Darksaber. However, an admission has big consequences for his future.

In this fully armed and operational episode, we discuss:

  • The Mandalorian’s fight against the Klaatooinians as he hunts down a bounty,
  • The history of the Night of a Thousand Tears and The Great Purge,
  • How the Darksaber fits into Mandalorian culture and The Creed,
  • Din Djarin’s arrival on Mos Eisley and meeting with Peli Motto,
  • The restoration of the N-1 starfighter, and
  • Fennec Shand’s recruitment of the Mandalorian for Boba Fett’s cause.

Thanks for joining us for another episode! Subscribe to Podcast Stardust for all your Star Wars news, reviews, and discussion wherever you get your podcasts. And please leave us a five star review on Apple Podcasts.

Find Jay and her cosplay adventures on J.Snips Cosplay on Instagram.

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