Fair Use Follies Episode 7: House

Published: July 5, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

Spoiler alert: House is a good movie. We talk, burning down the Pizza Pop. Movie realtors sell the story not the house. Gender, biology and bugaboos. Butts in the breeze. Naming something new, or renaming the same old things? “Nighthawks” didn’t earn its ‘get Mendoza’ scene. And, the last The Last Jedi discussion. Notes: 1. Mick Garris’ podcast that we discuss (but can't name) is called “Postmortem With Mick Garris”: https://t.co/G602yHSISM 2. The screen wipe theory we discuss is Rob Ager’s from Collative Learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NAhAEQUk8M