Live to the Hard Drive – PHD049

Published: May 12, 2015, 11:36 p.m.

Recorded Live to the Hard Drive PHD049 News: Rob Greenlee is now the Head of Content at Spreaker. ------------------- Podcasting as a Business Abner from Boston asks about making a business for your podcast (legally) I’m setup here as a DBA (Assumed name) and a sole proprietor. (Boonadello Marketing). TWIT uses an LLC. I know of lots that use a C corp or an S corp. I’m not a lawyer or a tax adviser, and I don’t play one on the interwebs :) ------------------ MasterMind Groups (WARNING, Opinion coming) Over the last couple of years, there has been a lot of talk about Mastermind groups. I have strong thoughts about this. NEVER pay for a mastermind group A group bigger than about 10 is unworkable An informal group of friends or colleagues is the best bet. NEVER PAY TO BE IN A MASTERMIND GROUP If you are in a group (formal or informal) make sure you contribute to it. Don’t just take but give freely. ----------------- Soundcloud - Should you use it? Soundcloud: The new shiny object Thats just one of the reasons I don’t recommend soundcloud as your primary host. There are others (listen to hear those) ---------------- Blubrry tip of the week Because blubrry has so many ways to use it’s services, it can be a bit more complicated (but not really hard) to set things up. You have to do things in order to get everything to work the way you want. Example: To host your media with blubrry and run your RSS feed from your own website, you need to do it in this order… Setup your wordpress site and install powerpress Configure powerpress settings (switch to advanced mode recommended) Go to and order your hosting. (use promo code HELPDESK for a free month) When setting up your show at be sure to use your Podcast Only feed (found in the feeds tab of powerpress settings) DO NOT USE CATEGORY FEEDS. In powerpress settings in the services and stats tab, configure blubrry hosting (big blue button). Upload and post your first episode. Once that is done, look at your feed in FIREFOX (no, other browsers won’t work for this step) and make sure the artwork shows up. Make sure the post title is correct and that there is a media file attached. Then you are free to submit the feed address to the directories (iTunes, Stitcher and others) ---------------------- Subscribe on Android now implemented in powerpress So far, these are the apps on android that will work with Subscribe on Android or will soon. Podcast Addict Ver 3.0 - Released Beyond Pod - Implementing Podcast Republic - Released Simple Podcatcher - Released Podkicker Pro - Implementing Podcatcher Deluxe - Released PlayerFM – Implementing Spreaker - Implementing Pocketcasts - Implementing