#98 - Ahh the beauracracy, it can come 8 years later and bite ya! + Chapter 4 of The Book

Published: March 21, 2017, 12:57 p.m.

b"We are in full spring cleaning mode - from painting the guest rooms, working in the garden, planting flowers and taking care of business before the guests arrive in a week and half! That means tieing up loose ends with our immigration and farmer's union as well....We find out the hard way that even 8 years later the beauracracy can come back and bite ya if you didn't take care of it properly. Lots of dinner with Gaggi and his totally comedic frustration of a dinner with bread. And Chapter 4 of the untitled, unpublished book about our move to Italy 10 years ago!\\nPlease subscribe to our Youtube Channel and check out all our latest Vlog from Italy videos!"