#125 - Understanding the levels of 'B.S.' in Italian + How to Use a Wood Oven + Airport Strikes

Published: Jan. 14, 2019, 9:47 a.m.

b'Whenever conversations in Italy turn to politics, multiple terms for \'B.S.\' are woven like rich tapestry into the discussion. We decided to explore the complex levels of severity when using the term "B.S." in Italian!\\nAfter a winter getaway to Budapest to see comedian Bill Burr we share a few of the highlights of this stunning city along the Daube. Our short trip gets longer as we are hit by winter weather delays and airport closures due to strikes in Germany & Italy! Back home, we\'re planning for the next season of guests and cooking classes including the Wood Oven Workshop. Jason explains the thoughts behind creating the workshop and menu choices to highlight utilizing the oven at different temperatures.'