Storyteller Conclave – Episode 45 Massive Combat

Published: March 12, 2020, 5:13 p.m.

Giant monsters demolishing whole cities! Fleets of ships firing barrages of cannons! Giant armies littering battlefields with broken bodies! Sara & Rob discuss the hows and whys of massive combat encounters, and how to make them move your story instead of hindering it! We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server! We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4! Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave) Support the show by joining our Patreon : Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :