TTcare: App service that keeps pets healthy and happy @ CES 2022

Published: Jan. 29, 2022, 11:21 a.m.


Of course, we all want to know if our pets are happy and healthy, but how can we be sure that we are doing enough?

Every year we get a front-row seat to the latest and greatest pet care items. And many times, what we see are merely reinventions or simple improvements upon tech and gadgets that already exist. But this year we were able to witness a brand new use of technology that just may end up being a game-changer when it comes to the health of our beloved pets.

What is TTcare?

Created by AI FOR PET, TTcare has developed an AI technology-based app service that allows anyone to quickly and easily check in on the health of their pets. TTcare is the first mobile application in the world that can help to determine whether a disease may exist right at home without the need for any expensive or special equipment. Their business model and technology are currently patent pending and this unique app is the first product of this kind to be officially approved by the Korean government for an "Artificial Intelligence-based medical device software for animals" rather than as a general pet service.

How TTcare Works

How is this even possible, you ask? We had the exact same question. Basically, AI FOR PET has been able to build out a custom technology within their app that is able to detect certain diseases via analyzing pictures of the pets' eyes or skin. This brand new usage of photo recognition technology is based on an image recognition algorithm that can detect specific abnormalities. Not only can this information help give pet owners a heads up to potential health concerns, but it can also be used to help veterinarians diagnose diseases at early stages, which is crucial for effective treatment.

TTcare is the first mobile application in the world to determine whether a disease exists by using something as simple as a photograph of the family pet. TTcare not only helps keep your furry friends healthy and happy, but it also makes checking on their health so much easier than ever before! And although this technology, at first glance, appears to be too amazing to be true. It simply joins a much longer list in the preventive healthcare arena, such as glucose, oxygen level and even sleep monitoring. So to them, it was a natural next step to take this type of health detection to the next level by offering convenient and simple in-home monitoring of the health of our furry companions.

Benefits of TTcare

There are many benefits to using TTcare. It provides for easy and simple checkups that can be done from anywhere in the world! These checkups can be performed by anyone, regardless of whether they have a veterinary background or not. It can also prevent diseases from spreading and allows for early diagnosis and treatment.

How You Can Use TTcare

The TTcare app is available for free download on the App Store and Google Play and is very easy to use. Once you have downloaded the app, you can create an account and start taking pictures, with step-by-step instructions and guidance, of your pet's eyes and skin. TTcare will automatically analyze the pictures and provide you with information on whether your pet has any potential diseases. You can then take this information to seek your veterinarian for further diagnosis and treatment.


The TTcare app is available now in the mobile app stores. To learn more about the platform and download the app, head over to the company's website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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Michele Mendez

Episode Author

Although Michele has worked in the banking industry full time for many years, she originally went to school with a concentration in communications, advertising and marketing. She began her career in sales and retail management, selling electronics and computers. Her love of all things tech eventually brought her back into the electronics arena three years ago when she started with PLuGHiTz Corporation to help with special events as a Production Assistant. Soon she began to dabble with the audio and video and is loving her role as Producer. She's also one of our content writers and assists with product reviews. Looking forward, she is excited to expand her skill set into editing and helping the company continue to grow.


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