Homewise takes the guesswork and frustration out of getting a mortgage

Published: Sept. 23, 2019, 1:31 p.m.

No part of buying a house is pleasant. It requires dealing with real estate agents and loan agents, whose goals are not necessarily the same. It requires understanding the terms of contracts that can be difficult and detailed, often written in such a way as to confuse you. And, on top of it, it is one of the biggest decisions in life, making it stressful on its own. Fortunately, part of the process is about to get a lot easier thanks to Homewise.

This new platform is designed to help people get the best mortgage for them, whether that be in the pre-approval, approval, switch, or refinancing stage of ownership. This is accomplished by working with over 30 lenders, each with their specialties and programs. By taking into consideration all of the available offerings, Homewise can find the terms and conditions that match your needs and your capabilities. Most importantly, the platform will be able to save you the most money it can.

The company's goal is to save its users $20k each while making the process transparent and understandable. That is a lofty goal but is something accomplishable through the algorithms that are in place. To date, the company has been able to help secure over $750 million in mortgages in Canada. The best part of it all is that it doesn't cost the users anything to use the platform.

Homewise also wants to make the homeownership experience for people in need. As part of this goal, the company works with Habitat for Humanity to help people who are less fortunate secure homes, too, through a program they call Home Karma.

Homewise is available to customers in Canada right now, with hopes to expand outside of the country in the future. Try the service now for free.

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