With Allimb, let's get digital, physical... therapy @ CES 2023

Published: March 29, 2023, 11:34 a.m.



Physical therapy is difficult. It\'s made even more complex in that by the time we live. The demands on our time are greater than ever. We\'re also human, meaning we lose the paper they give us with the exercises on it. We also have to attempt to decipher the ancient hieroglyphic structure of the photocopied page, unsure if we\'re even doing the movements properly. Plus, we forget to take our medication. Allimb offers an AI-enhanced solution to these problems. Plus, it runs on your phone, not someone else\'s hardware, and will absolutely change the way you recover.

I watched my father battle all 3 of these issues over the past year. He had both knees totally replaced within the span of 7 months. Most pro athletes wouldn\'t even undertake such a challenge. But my dad did, at 77 years old. The physical pain wasn\'t what bothered him, he just wanted, as all of us do after any traumatic injury or medical procedure, to get better. He faced massive trials with the proprietary exercise bike they assigned him, which was running a build of Android from the mid-2010s. You couldn\'t even re-launch the application when it would freeze, you\'d have to call and wait on hold for about 20 minutes to get someone to remotely reset your bike. A truly miserable experience, especially when there are enough barriers between you and your recovery.

What is Allimb?

Allimb has 3 separate products on offer. Each one is tailored to a different market, in both the business and end-user spaces. Allimb\'s technology, which they call MotionCare, combines sensor data and AI to help users recover properly by creating both trackable accountability and using AI vision to track your form and help correct any irregularities.

Allimb also has a medication tracking element, Allimb Health, which allows physicians to know if a patient is taking their medication by analyzing the data from the physical therapy alongside other tracking methods. Allimb Care is developed for insurance companies. Allimb offers their software and some exercise programs bundled together to those companies for assignment to their customers.

Allimb MedPro is made for healthcare professionals and offers a full suite of the aforementioned physical therapy tracking as well as data analytics and AI integrations for a variety of useful tools. Currently, Allimb\'s product is considered a Class II Medical Device. Class II medical devices are those devices that have a moderate to high risk to the patient and/or user. 43% of medical devices fall under this category. Most medical devices are considered Class II devices. Some examples of Class II devices include powered wheelchairs and some pregnancy test kits and interestingly enough contact lenses. They are currently seeking full FDA approval.

Want to learn more?

Currently only available overseas, I hope they can find a market here in the United States. I feel their product would really help a lot of people with their recovery, my father included. If you\'d like to learn more about Allimb, its founders, or medical product offerings you are welcome to visit their website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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Adam Ertz

Episode Author

Adam joined PLUGHITZ Corporation since shortly after its inception and stayed for many years. His work on the DDRLover and CounterQuest teams has been mostly providing valuable insight into the gaming community\'s thoughts and direction. Adam is most known for his time on the Professional Counter-Strike Scene with teams like, Echo 7, Pandemic, Team x3, and PerdoX. He was also a well known World Of Warcraft PvP Icon and Raider, and a founding member of the well known guild All That Remains.

Todd Cochrane

Network Host

Todd is the CEO of RawVoice / Blubrry - a podcast media company that represents 105,000 Audio and Video podcasters in which his company provides advertising opportunities, media distribution/hosting, podcast media statistics and other services. He is a podcast advertising specialist. Executing podcast advertising deals with a variety of national vendors for the past 13 years. Todd was responsible for bringing GoDaddy into the Podcast Advertising Space as one of the first podcast advertisers in 2005.


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