MC360 Puts a Modern Twist on Business Development

Published: June 30, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

Every company, whether big or small, needs marketing. For some, it is done through word-of-mouth, but most need an active process in which they can tell the world about their unique goods or services. For a startup, deciding what you need can be a challenge, and implementing what you need can be nearly impossible. That is where Modern Consulting 360 comes into play. This company has a strong focus on startups and understands the needs of entrepreneurs.

The company got its start after CEO Matthew Nauss had done some marketing for a company he worked for after he left the Army and while he was at the University of Tampa. He had tried some strategies that were less focused on the old way of doing things, hence the modern moniker. He decided that, since his strategies had worked well for himself, he would try implementing those ideas for others. The process was repeatable and successful, and Modern Consulting 360 was born. After some time, Nadia Kaminskaya joined the team, bringing with her outside marketing experience.

In addition to the marketing services, Modern Consulting also provides services like sales and supply chain consulting as well. Building a sales strategy is something that even the most successful companies can fail at on their own. Bringing in a consultant to look at what you are doing and make suggestions on areas of waste, or areas that could be better focused on can improve performance greatly.

MC360 does not just serve the startup community, but also work with small and medium business, as well. While they primarily serve the Tampa Bay area, they do have clients in other areas of the country. Recently, they have gotten to work with some nonprofit organizations, for whom they offer their services for free.

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