PCR Ep. 5 - Gotta Keep 'Em All!

Published: March 18, 2019, 1 p.m.


Eek! Listener beware! This episode is full of spooky, scary, creepy-crawly content!!!



In this episode: Very irresponsible consumption, a week of life that we lived, AJ's Main Dish, a very seasonal topic, a large collection of aspirational books, Mary Shelley's real name, The Monster Mash, the definition of a graveyard smash, Tara has a revelation, Frankenstein's kind of hot, a 3-minute clip, the same formula, a quote, Tara's Main Dish, a very serious New York Times review, not GIRLS, stretched out Keanu Reeves, spoiler warning (skip to 30:35), good messages, SIDE DISHES, how knowing people works, AJ gets into it a little bit, teen detectives, Tara doesn't get video games, a CB approved Instagram account, a vegan side dish, tasty like a jackfruit, mhm, thanks for listening, boo!



Links from the episode:


Podcast from the New York Public Library - https://www.nypl.org/blog/2019/03/08/frankenstein-our-dark-mirror-ep-256


shrill on Hulu - https://www.hulu.com/series/shrill-54eab813-3a9b-496d-9d7e-908597ad8d1a?&cmp=10685&utm_source=google&utm_medium=SEM&utm_campaign=CM_SEM_Shrill&utm_term=shrill%20hulu&ds_rl=1251123&ds_rl=1251123&gclid=CjwKCAjw4LfkBRBDEiwAc2DSlJJlPJS4jbx_bWA84aU2K9fh7Pd_nV-S1Jf3eyP3Syan1mWDu0HRSxoCTBAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman (the book) - https://www.amazon.com/Shrill-Lindy-West/dp/0316348465?tag=pagesix-20


livekindlyco on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/livekindlyco/?hl=en



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Instagram - www.instagram.com/pleaseconsumeresponsibly/


Twitter - www.twitter.com/pleaseconsume



Listen to Adebisi Shank! - https://open.spotify.com/track/2JbGqjFgWuinpODmd3jQsL

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