Episode 79 - Relative truths - Can you lie to a horse or hog... or machine?

Published: Oct. 26, 2020, 4:04 p.m.

Some know the relative ‘truth’ through mind, but mistake it for heart. Relative truths are tentative facts or events masquerading as ‘truth’. Mostly... these 'truths' are no ones business; like governments secret activities, medical records, religion, philosophy, activities, dreams, shortcomings, mistakes… none of these are really ‘truths’, they’re on a 'need to know'. These are thing-truths created by our own imagination, and seen out of context from the whole. For us to lay them out, encouraging false judgments where unneeded is a disservice. There are relative truths which I don’t care about much anymore, and great absolute truths I do. Find out which truths are which, and decide whether you want to switch them around. Being 'in your truth' is bigger than just 'telling the truth'.