Episode 29 - Creation and Time in the Funhouse. Eternity is Dependent on Time. Duality Can Always be Recreated

Published: Nov. 18, 2019, 5 p.m.

By choice, you’ve walked up the steps and through the first glass paneled door. You turn left and your forehead kisses the mirror. You move right and see yourself somewhere ahead. In this place of many mirrors and windows, duality, by its own rules must eventually cancel its reflection out. And every subset of duality, placed within the infinite temporal mirrors that reflect themselves, is replicated to no end. Creation and time are funhouse reflections of each other. When one mirror breaks, the duality within that subset is reflected by the mirror behind it. Once this occurs, a new ‘cyclical’ duality is created. In essence, all timeless perspectives know that this smaller world will ‘always’ be (it’s eternal and resides in time). The duality of the temporal funhouse is never balanced because the fair is constantly on the move. Mirrors flash back and forth until taken apart and placed in the box truck. Then once again, the event appears. You can choose to walk up to that glass paneled door again… or not.