Combat Learjet: Former Air Force Pilot.

Published: Aug. 30, 2017, 1:09 a.m.

b'What is going on #Avination?! In today\\u2019s episode, I talk with Steve from the popular aviation Instagram account @combatlearjet. Steve was an active duty Air Force pilot for ten years and flew in the Air National Guard for another 17. In this episode, we talk about.

  • Why Steve went the military route.
  • Why the Air Force.
  • We find out what the lifestyle of an active duty Air Force pilot is like.
  • How long a deployment is and the type of flying they would do.
  • Why now is the best time to become a pilot in the Air Force.
  • And how the Air Force is short 1500 pilots.
If you enjoyed today\'s episode, please let us know. Either email us at or reach out to us on Instagram @pilottopilot. Happy Flying #Avination! Justin Download The Pilot to Pilot podcast! '