LET is Not a Passive Word in Our Healing

Published: May 25, 2020, midnight

b'\\u201cLet\\u201d is not a passive word.\\xa0 When we \\u201clet\\u201d something happen to us, or when someone tells us, \\u201cHow could you \\u2018let\\u2019 that happen?\\u201d we often think of a passive stance toward life or circumstance.\\xa0 But don\\u2019t be fooled.\\xa0 Most if not all of our \\u201cpassive\\u201d words are anything but\\u2026\\xa0 Apathy is not passive.\\xa0 A lack of effort or a lack of kindness; neither of these is passive.\\xa0 Something quite deliberate is taking place in these decisions, even if they may seem at times only \\u201creactive\\u201d to a life event or situation.\\xa0 If we desire to find healing over past hurts we should take the time to reflect on what role our \\u201cletting something happen\\u201d played into our hurt and how it can play into our healing.\\xa0 Join pastor Chris on this episode of Life Hurts God Heals as he reflects on the biblical scriptures to find help and healing for some difficult life situations that keep us stuck.'