Handling the HOLIDAYSwith an Addiciton The ROAD TO RECOVERY ...

Published: Dec. 16, 2019, 1 a.m.



Well the Holidays are finally upon us - although it sometimes eems like every week there is another something to celebrate or emancipate or castrate... or something like that. This is AMERICA the Land of the FREE Home of the BRAVE and some of us have/had BEER MUSCLES - while others of us gave up their lives for the rest of us to live and well screw up!

Welcome to "The ROAD TO RECOVERY" Hosted by myself a recvering alcoholic working a program in recovery for over 24 years, 3months and 8 days today (December 8th, 2019) and I have to tell you that my life keep getting better and better. Having been married and divorced 3 times before I sobered up AND being the recipient of 2 DUI\'s (and being very remorseful (NOW) I share my story on the air every week in order to help 1st - MYSELF - because when I talk about whats going on in my mind - it keeps the rest of the remaining STUFF from getting rotten and stinky. And I am not kidding. It is somewhat amazing what goes on inside of MY BRAIN - and I have come to understand that I am NOT THAT UNIQUE.

Have YOU ever had wild and crazy thoughts - the kind of thoughts that you felt IF THE WORLD ONLY KNEW - that you\'d be locked up for life! Well maybe not that extreme but I can relate to this kindof of STUFF going on in my own mind and not know ing what to do with it or how to handle it - until of course I started working a Program in Recovery. I Started out with Alcoholics Anonymous and advanced to Christian Church programs like Celebrate Recovery - even attending several variuos group treatment programs designed to help anyone in similar situations or experiences...

Join me every SUNDAY EVENING from 7 to ? maybe 9 pm CST as I discuss either by myself or with others our personal EXPERIENCE - STRENGTH and HOPE. You might find answers to your own situations.. 323-580-5755 is our call in number during the Broadcast and I welcome any and all callers.'