Breaking It Apart 9 The Thing (Featuring Troy Howarth and Tony Strauss)

Published: Oct. 30, 2020, 4:01 p.m.

b'On the 9th episode of the special episode series called Breaking It Apart, I\'m joined by Weng\'s Chop\'s Tony Strauss and Troy Howarth, the author of Assault On The System: The Nonconformist Cinema of John Carpenter to talk about the 1982 classic The Thing. This influential horror classic wasn\'t a hit when it was released, but has gone on to be considered one of the ultimate films when it comes to paranoia, suspense and horrific practical effects. \\n\\n\\n\\nAs always, SPOILER ALERT for The Thing and the movies we discuss! (\\n\\n\\n\\nTroy Howarth\'s book Assualt on the System: The Nonconformist Cinema of John Carpenter is available on Amazon at (\\n\\n\\n\\nCheck out the WK Books Facebook page at (\\n\\n\\n\\nCheck out Weng\'s Chop and Tony Strauss at ( Follow Weng\'s Chop on Twitter (@WengsChop)\\n\\n\\n\\nMy 6th album, David Rosen is available NOW on (iTunes) and all other digital music stores! Make sure to check it out!My brand-new music video \\u201cMultiply\\u201d is available at (\\n\\n\\n\\nThe song at the end of the episode is \\u201cLights In The Sky" from my first album Echoes In The Dark which is available on all major digital music services! Don\'t forget to also check out my Halloween Music Playlist on Spotify at (\\n\\n\\n\\nMake sure to \\u201cLike\\u201d Piecing It Together on Facebook at ( \\u201cFollow\\u201d us on Twitter (@PiecingPod)And Join the Conversation in our Facebook Group, (Piecing It Together \\u2013 A Movie Discussion Group).And check out ( for more about our show!And if you want to SUPPORT THE SHOW, you can now sign up for our Patreon at (\\n\\n\\n\\nShare the episode, comment and give us feedback! And of course, SUBSCRIBE!\\n\\n\\n\\nAnd of course, don\\u2019t forget to leave us a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts or over on (Podchaser)!\\n\\n\\n\\nAlso, be sure to check out the You Might Also Like Podcast at (\\n\\n\\n\\nAnd most important of all\\u2026 Keep going to the theater to see new movies!'