FILM - R. Linklater's Waking Life - The Dynamic Human Spirit & "The Holy Moment"

Published: Dec. 12, 2018, 7 p.m.

In this episode of Pic.Think: FILM, Sy, Raveen & Gladys review Richard Linklater's (Writer-Director of Boyhood) overlooked philosophical docu-fiction Waking Life. The discussion begins by using an opening line in the film, "dream is destiny", to answer whether we consider ourselves as either realists (pragmatists) or idealists (dreamers). Within this section we progress to share our thoughts and impressions of Eamonn Healy's monologue concerning "the new evolution" of the human individual. The discussion then progresses to review the execution of the film as a whole: whether we consider the film as successfully and simultaneously educational, enjoyable and accessible. In this second section we philosophise on the enigmatic nature of language and the dynamic nature of the human spirit. These topics are inspired by the monologues given by Kim Krizan and Alex Jones, respectively. The discussion then concludes by discussing Caveh Zahedi's monologue (influenced by Andre Bazin) concerning film as God's incarnation/manifestation. In addition, we discuss Zahedi's idea of the ongoing present time as "The Holy Moment" and establish a similarity between this idea and the ideas presented in The Power of Now written by Eckharte Tolle. We also relate these ideas to other monologues within this film given by Otto J. Hofmann and Richard Linklater himself.