Episode 50: Spinoza and Leibniz

Published: July 3, 2019, 5:48 a.m.

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This week, the 'boys' of post Cartesian rationalism are back in town! Watch with envy as the cool kids, Spinoza and Leibniz, click their way menacingly down the main street of Western Enlightenment pushing the clergy off the pavement. Listen, or don’t listen, it doesn’t much matter it’s all the same either way, as you, yes you! are awarded the title of “A bit of god” (Pantheism is an equal opportunities employer). Does this make you feel good? Does pantheism (everything is god) answer the problems of monotheism (god is an old man in the sky) but is it less fun than polytheism (god is a flock of parrots in the sky)? Remember you are me and they are you and we are all together - resistance is futile guys, just go with it.