Ep.38 History of Philosophy: Augustine, Anselm and Aquinas Part 2

Published: April 3, 2019, 4:42 a.m.

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In this weeks cast we raise the issue of… well… we kind of talk about…er… that is to say Mike and Danny have a frank discussion on the subject of … well, you know, do we have to spell it out for you?? Any way, it’s all very embarrassing but there it is. I’m glad we had this talk, best to get everything out in the open, no need to beat around the bush so to speak. Also hear about how Augustine thought it would be better to be able to have sex while eating cereal and reading the paper rather than in the chaotic, irrational and passionate way we actually do. Listen out for Danny suggesting that it is more fun that way. I’d tell you to block your ears but that’s no way to promote a sound medium.