What's Going On: Rare Disease Day, Speak OUT

Published: Feb. 23, 2023, 8:18 p.m.

b'Ever wonder about the alphabet soup that is LGTBQ+? and why advocated believe it\'s important to acknowledge All the letters in the acronym. To help us sort this out I speak to Angele Giampolo, of Giampolo Law and Philly Gay Lawyer for a monthly segment we call Speak Out. https://www.phillygaylawyer.com/ https://giampololaw.com/

First, many rare diseases go undiagnosed for years but there\'s a growing community working to raise awareness about rare diseases by providing information and support. I speak to Rare Disease Patient Advocate Romy Braunstein about her personal journey just in time for Rare Disease Day on February 28th. www.raredisease.org.'