What's Going On - Hispanic Fiesta, Toxic Masculinity & Going Solar

Published: June 27, 2019, 8:10 p.m.

b'As we head into the Fourth of July Week \\u2013There are tons of free events during Welcome America of course including the signature concert and fireworks at the art museum. You can check out the full schedule at welcomeamerica.com. But the fun continues with Concilio\\u2019s Hispanic Fiesta next Saturday and Sunday at Penns landing \\u2013 we\\u2019ll talk with Concilio\\u2019s Executive Director Adonis Banegas \\u2013 the food and music are awesome.

We chat with Jared Yates Sexton the author of the Man They Wanted Me to Be - about Toxic Masculinity.

The tax credit for converting your home to solar runs out at the end of 2019. Loraine speaks with Laura Rigell Solar Manager for the Philadelphia Energy Authority about how you can go solar.