Wolf (1994)

Published: Sept. 10, 2021, 11:57 a.m.


This Pfriday kicks off our final 10 Pfeiffer pfilms and we can feel a certain change coming over us. Perhaps it's that full moon? The pfascinating Frank Calvillo joins us to howl about WOLF, the supernatural thriller that has Jack Nicholson marking his territory, James Spader amping his sleaze up to the nth degree, and Michelle delivering an ending that will have you gasping for breath. This underrated 90s movie gives us plenty to talk about: the remarkable list of cast and crew (Mike Nichols, Ennio Morricone, etc.), conspiracy theories, and La Pfeiffer basking in a true supporting role, while reminding us how much she can convey from just a look. Join us. We don't bite...hard.


You can follow Frank on Twitter @frankfilmgeek, and you can also hear more of Frank on the podcasts One Of Us and Mission Impodible.


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