066- PawsInn with Dennis Nelson

Published: June 5, 2020, 6 a.m.

Topics on this episode:

History of Paws In Chelsea and PI Paws

What’s it like buying an existing pet business

How 2020 has been

Why he started PawsInn.com

Why it’s good news for pet sitters

Main take away? We’re always looking for ways to expand and new platforms to promote our businesses, PawsInn is a great option!

About our guest:

Having had a variety of different pets growing up, from budgerigars, ducks, cats and dog, have always had love for our companions from the animal kingdom. My career started in finance, and then took a dramatic shift when I resigned and bought into Paws in Chelsea. I now run three pet businesses, which includes Paws Inn, and continue to look for opportunities to help the communities around me through different ventures.


Email Dennis - dennis@pawsinn.com

Visit the website: www.pawsinn.com

Check out PI Paws and Paws in Chelsea

Read the full transcript here

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