31 How to Prevent Inflammation and Disease with What and How You Eat

Published: July 23, 2019, 6:52 p.m.

The foods we eat and our lifestyle can create inflammation in our body which leads to disease. Learn what causes inflammation, which foods prevent it, and the role our microbiome plays with holistic nutritionist Teri Mosey, PHD. Teri shares how our food choices and which specific foods will create a healthy environment where disease is not welcome. She also introduces us to how stress, emotion, and our busy lifestyle could be impacting how we digest our foods and how much nutrients are actually being absorbed. If you have a disease or chronic condition linked to inflammation like arthritis, diabetes, asthma, or high blood pressure, you can heal your body with what Teri shares here. Discover how eating a more plant based diet can treat or prevent the inflammatory state most of us are living in. 

Furthermore, learn the role our gut plays in keeping our bodies in balance, how including fiber in your diet will support a healthy body, and why it is important to eat consciously, not rushed or stressed.

To learn more about Teri Mosey, visit: https://www.terimosey.com/
To check out her Heal and Thrive Health Program, visit: https://www.terimosey.com/heal-and-thrive-program

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