037 Peak Health and Energy - 4 Steps to Optimizing Your Body

Published: Sept. 4, 2019, 5:40 a.m.

Hear how to optimize your body for peak health and great energy. Learn four steps you can implement as part of your health and fitness plan so you can have peak performance as an entrepreneur, leader, and for your life. This episode is with peak performance coach and personal trainer, Jody Kennett who is setting you up to feel fantastic in your body as she coaches you through four key areas where you can bring health and energy to your body. Find out how you can condition your body, how to manage stress and your stress response, why the environment our body is exposed to daily matters, and how to optimize your body for peak energy health and performance. 

Jody is the founder of Peak Energy 4 Performance, a holistic high performance method that focuses on energy of the body, mind, emotion, and environment. In a world of doing, Peak Energy 4 is about replenishing, re energizing, and reconnecting to your being. She coaches leaders, entrepreneurs, and women to health, peak energy, and peak performance. In addition, she delivers training and workshops to schools, companies, and organizations who want to bring holistic health to their employees where mental, emotional, physical, and environmental health are combined. Together these elevate people to their peak performance and create high performing teams.