036 Set Yourself Free from Inner Conflict to Live Your Best Life

Published: Aug. 27, 2019, 6:20 p.m.

Do you find yourself blocked or limited by beliefs or something that holds you back from living your best life and being at your best? Hear how you can move beyond what is called 'Inner Conflict' with a conflict practitioner who shares how to transform your life by working through old beliefs or ways of being that no longer serve you. You have heard our inner world creates our outer experiences and therefore, there may be old subconscious beliefs that need to be removed. Erica Leakey is the founder of Us Underneath and takes us through her journey of sitting with and moving past her own inner conflict and how it has transformed her life. Learn the essential tools you can use to heal any conflict you may have and why we all need this new revolutionary approach to live and be at our best. 

You will learn the steps and a process of how to begin healing any inner conflict that is blocking you. 

To learn more about Erica Leakey and 'Inner Conflict' visit her here: https://www.usunderneath.com/