Trashy Divorces Make For Amazing Stories

Published: June 26, 2019, 4 p.m.

Celebrities and public figures get divorced all of the time, but how many of us really know the whole story behind the divorces? The podcast, Trashy Divorces, focuses on public divorces and how trashy and scandalous they really can be. Married couple and podcast hosts, Alicia and Stacie, visit with Mary Payne in this episode. Britney Spears, Elizabeth Taylor, Fleetwood Mac, Charlie Sheen, and The Royals are just some of the famous divorces Alicia and Stacie have discussed on their podcast. They share with Mary Payne that most episodes take 15-20 hours of research to put together. Within each episode they each share a trashy divorce with one another and then they give each divorce a “trash can” rating based on how trashy it was. Their show has been compared to My Favorite Murder, but without the murder aspect and Alicia and Stacie are happy to divulge their guilty pleasure with us all. Podcast Recommendations Girl In Space Strange Case of Starship Iris Queens of England History of England Renaissance English History Talking Tudors Southern Fried True Crime The Unwritable Rant Find Trashy Divorces at Facebook: Instagram/Twitter: @trashydivorces Learn more about your ad choices. Visit