9: Greg Mahle, Rescue Road Trips: Trucking A Million Miles to Save Thousands of Dogs

Published: Jan. 28, 2016, 7 a.m.

Greg Mahle of Rescue Road Trips shares his story of dedication to his family, including his wife Adella, and to thousands of dogs over the years.
Approximately twenty-six times a year, or every other week, Greg and one hired driver take a seven-day journey from Ohio to Southern states like Texas and Louisiana to fill up a tractor trailer with up to seventy dogs. They then head to Northeastern states like Pennsylvania and Connecticut to deliver each dog to their respective permanent or "forever" homes. That's a 4,200 mile round-trip, every two weeks!
Learn more about Greg's story, such as WHY he has made this journey every two weeks for years, the ups and downs of life on the road with a huge pack of dogs in a truck, and the many dedicated people who help make these road trips successful.
Donate (Donate here!)
If you are looking for the YouCaring site that Greg Mahle mentioned in the interview to donate, the site has been closed for a very good reason - it reached its goal!! We'll give an update to Greg's fundraising efforts on an upcoming episode with Peter Zheutlin, author of Rescue Road.
  • If you want to donate to Rescue Road Trips to pay for diesel, help with truck repairs, and most importantly, help save thousands of dogs, donate here.
Greg Mahle's work and dedication inspired a book. Peter Zheutlin's best-seller, Rescue Road: One Man, Thirty Thousand Dogs, and a Million Miles on the Last Hope Highway, paints a portrait of Greg's wonderful personality and the effort and heart he gives. You also get to know many other heroes - the folks on the front lines of rescue - who visit shelters, search for strays, and sacrifice much of their lives to benefit dogs. People like Keri Bullock Toth, Kelle Davis, and Alicia McCarty, among many others. Like me, you may learn more about the daunting animal overpopulation issue, and cry tears of sadness and with some stories, tears of hope. [Amazon] Rescue Road

Thank you Greg Mahle! 

All of Pawprint's music is composed by Luke Gartner-Brereton. Luke is a musician based in Australia, and he composes a wide variety of songs and musical loops http://vanillagroovestudios.com http://soundcloud.com/luke-gartnerbrereton

If you want to learn more about Nancy and Harold, go to our About Us page at thisispawprint.com/about or listen to our introductory podcast episode, "Fifty Puppies and a Podcast." http://thisispawprint.com/000

Pawprint (or Paw Print) is a weekly podcast dedicated to animal rescue, adoption, and the heroes who make it happen. Volunteer, walk, adopt, or foster a dog, cat, rabbit, or other wonderful pet through your local shelter, humane society, SPCA, pound, and animal control. Help increase animal protection, welfare, and rights. http://thisispawprint.com http://animalrescuepodcast.com