50: Peter Rork, Dog is My CoPilot: Up in the Air for Animal Rescue & Welfare

Published: June 19, 2016, 6:28 p.m.

Peter Rork is Co-Founder and Chief Pilot for Dog is My CoPilot. He and Co-Founder Judy Zimet have rescued over 4,000 dogs and cats by flying them from high kill shelters in places like California to the Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountain regions.

Peter worked for many years as a surgeon, while Judy is an attorney and real estate agent.

I highly recommend listening to the entire interview, Peter’s journey is pretty incredible.

If you want to learn more about Dog is My CoPilot, see some photos, or want to make a donation to an amazing cause, go to our show notes at http://thisispawprint.com/50

Dog Is My CoPilot (DIMC)

Judy Zimet

photo credit for Peter Rork photo: Jaclyn Borowski

Left on the cutting room floor

  • One organization that Peter highlighted but didn’t make it onto the final episode was Oakland Animal Services in Oakland, California for being terrific partners. http://www.oaklandanimalservices.org/
  • One person that Peter highlighted for being one of the first to ask Peter for his help in flying animals was Julie Townsend of Idaho Falls.

Article in the Jackson Hole News & Guide, written by Johanna Love, featuring Dog Is My CoPilot

Best Friends Animal Society has a main location in Southern Utah, called the Animal Sanctuary.

Marti Watts of the San Francisco SPCA is mentioned in their Spring newsletter (page 11).

Sharon Lohman is with New Beginnings for Merced County Animals

Jackson Jet Center in Boise, Idaho has been a great partner to Dog is My CoPilot

Cessna - Peter flies a Cessna 206 and Cessna 208

Pilots N Paws


If you want the two free dog-training resources from Irith Bloom, positive reinforcement dog trainer, go to http://thisispawprint.com/ask. Irith can be found at http://www.thesophisticateddog.com/

All of Pawprint's music is composed by Luke Gartner-Brereton. Luke is a musician based in Australia, and he composes a wide variety of songs and musical loops http://vanillagroovestudios.com http://soundcloud.com/luke-gartnerbrereton

If you want to learn more about Nancy and Harold, go to our About Us page at http://thisispawprint.com/about or listen to our introductory podcast episode, "Fifty Puppies and a Podcast." http://thisispawprint.com/000

Pawprint (or Paw Print) is a weekly podcast dedicated to animal rescue, adoption, and the heroes who make it happen. Volunteer, walk, adopt, or foster a dog, cat, rabbit, or other wonderful pet through your local shelter, humane society, SPCA, pound, and animal control. Stop abuse, and help increase animal protection, welfare, and rights. http://thisispawprint.com http://animalrescuepodcast.com