23: Greyhound Week: Joan Chaplick + Shimmer

Published: March 17, 2016, 4:29 a.m.

Joan Chaplick shares her story of Shimmer the greyhound in an episode that celebrates the transformative nature of animal rescue. Joan adopted Shimmer the greyhound several weeks after her mother passed away. Listen to the episode to learn what happens next.

Greyhound Week is a four-episode series dedicated to Greyhound rescue, look for the next three episodes in the coming week.

Joan Chaplick works at MIG, Inc, a planning, design and communications firm in Berkeley, California. Company Website

Golden State Greyhound Adoption (GSGA) is based in Walnut Creek, California and is the organization that rescued Shimmer. We interview co-founder Stu Homer on the next episode.www.goldengreyhounds.com/

  • Kelly, the awesome dog walker, is completely booked with dog-walking clients. Sorry, but thanks for asking!

Philadelphia's best known sandwich is the Cheesesteak. Pat's and Geno's are considered the two best and oldest cheesesteak shops, and they are across the street from one another in Philly. Here's a good primer www.visitphilly.com/articles/philad…y-cheesesteaks/

When Joan Chaplick refers to the Warriors, she means the Golden State Warriors basketball team. Led by Steph Curry, they won the National Basketball Association Championship in the 2014-15 season.www.nba.com/warriors/

St. Aidan's is an Episcopal Church in San Francisco www.staidansf.org/

Joan and Shimmer's neighbor is recovering from her fall!!

Thank you again, Joan Chaplick!

All of Pawprint's music is composed by Luke Gartner-Brereton. Luke is a musician based in Australia, and he composes a wide variety of songs and musical loops http://vanillagroovestudios.com


If you want to learn more about Nancy and Harold, go to our About Us page at thisispawprint.com/about or listen to our introductory podcast episode, "Fifty Puppies and a Podcast." http://thisispawprint.com/000

Pawprint (or Paw Print) is a weekly podcast dedicated to animal rescue, adoption, and the heroes who make it happen. Volunteer, walk, adopt, or foster a dog, cat, rabbit, or other wonderful pet through your local shelter, humane society, SPCA, pound, and animal control. Help increase animal protection, welfare, and rights. http://thisispawprint.com http://animalrescuepodcast.com