#15: The importance of dietary protein and protein interaction with dopamine therapy for Parkinson's disease

Published: July 14, 2021, 1 a.m.

Perhaps you and/or your loved one with Parkinson's disease have read about protein intake and possible interactions with dopamine therapy. You may have read articles recommending a diet low in protein if you have Parkinson's disease. 

On this episode, I discuss the facts and science behind dietary protein intake and Parkinson's disease. I discuss proper timing of levodopa or dopamine therapy and protein intake. I present some cases from my clinic illustrating these concepts. 

As a care partner or caregiver, it is important to be familiar with proper protein intake and timing of medication around protein intake to help your loved one achieve the most from their medication and find stability and consistency in the benefits of their medication dosing. 

The Parkinson's disease Caring Podcast is produced and hosted by Dr. Kevin Klos. Please visit www.pdcaring.com for more resources and information.