Speak Your Peace (from Cultivating Inner Peace)

Published: Sept. 29, 2020, 5:05 a.m.



Chapter 10 - Speak Your Peace
\\n from Cultivating Inner Peace by Paul R. Fleischman, M.D.\\n


"If I could do one thing for my society today, it would be to create community in which everyone was encouraged\\n to speak from the heart, and to listen to the messages of\\n others. I have spent most of my life listening to varieties of\\n justified complaints that no one listens to or understands.\\n Unfortunately, we live in a non-listening, mass-market,\\n person-inattentive society. The emphasis on efficiency, productivity,\\n pleasure, and hurry that pervade society leave little\\n room for building personal relationships around resonant\\n communication of feelings. We live in a society uniquely\\n devoid of conversation about the backdrop of infinite reality,\\n through which every shaft of light that falls on us has passed.\\n We see the tint of this passage everywhere, but we suffer from\\n derealization when we try to speak about its presence in our\\n lives. Yet this cultural repression is changeable, every time\\n we ourselves dare to refer in our talk to the reality always\\n present around us."\\n


Dr. Paul Fleischman
\\n Massachusetts, USA
\\n 2020
\\n 22 minutes


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Copyright, 2020 Paul R. Fleischman


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