Peace Is Facing Sorrow (from Cultivating Inner Peace)

Published: Nov. 23, 2020, 7:28 p.m.



Chapter 17 - Peace Is Facing Sorrow
\\n from Cultivating Inner Peace by Paul R. Fleischman, M.D.\\n


If a reader were using this book as a practical guide to cultivating inner peace, he or she might now be thinking: I know that mere situational adjustments won\\u2019t essentially improve my life, which gains its trajectory only from my own actions and feelings. I want to sail toward peace, easy in the currents of myself, harmoniously related to people and circumstances, and to achieve this I have to consciously steer with peace as my polestar. When life storms and batters me, my goal is to return to course, and the will to do so creates the dynamic resilience I need. I\\u2019ll limit myself to sail light and trim. I\\u2019ll absorb the wise directions of those who\\u2019ve already negotiated these straits, soaked in the soothing sounds of peace, and my own words will add to this score. I\\u2019ll befriend all I meet on wing and wave, an unwalled, welcoming life.


But you might feel confused to find, having taken these steps, that you are oppressed by a cloud of sorrow. Yet this would be a good sign, because impersonal and surprising\\n grief is the harbinger beyond the known world of yourself\\n to the horizonless peace you seek, as the story of the Buddha\\n will show.\\n


Dr. Paul Fleischman
\\n Massachusetts, USA
\\n 2020
\\n 33 minutes


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Copyright, 2020 Paul R. Fleischman


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