"Healing Mind - Health and Vipassana" from <em>Realizing Change</em>

Published: Jan. 6, 2016, 3:38 a.m.


“His physical condition worsened, the atmosphere at home grew increasingly tense and he seriously considered closing down his dental clinic. As a last resort, on the recommendation of a neighbor, he joined a ten-day Vipassana retreat, never thinking he’d be able to complete it. With faith and sheer willpower he learned to meditate and noticed an unmistakable lessening in the pain which had become his constant companion.”


A combination of physical, mental and social factors makes up the whole person. Each one contributes to our evolving state of health. But of these mind is most important because it is the central directing force of our entire life and activity. In this month\'s Dhamma podcast, Healing Mind - Health and Vipassana, we share stories from meditators about the impact vipassana has had helping them face mental disorders, physical illnesses, addictions, and ultimately, death.


9 - Healing Mind - Health and Vipassana
\\nas read by Ian Hetherington
\\nrecorded 2014/2015
\\n54 minutes


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Realizing Change: Copyright, 2016 Pariyatti


There is more information about vipassana meditation at Dhamma.org, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.


May all beings be happy!
